Long and short rides for all makes and types of motorcycle.
“The Coast to the Tablelands”
You are invited to the
41st “Restore and Ride” Rally,
for motorcycles, 30 years or older,
23rd to 25th May 2024, at
Big 4 Sawtell Holiday Park
(rides and activities from Tuesday 20th)
DOWNLOAD RALLY PROGRAM AND ENTRY FORM --- Rally Program & Entry Form (pages 5,6&7) (PDF)
Contact the Big 4 Sawtell Holiday Park on 6648-4485 to book in for the rally. There will be rides from Tuesday 20th May, with the main rally from Friday 23rd May to Sunday 25th May 2025. Please let the caravan staff know that you are part of the Coffs Harbour and District Motorcycle Restorers’ rally! If you book for 7 days, then the 7th day is free.
The Big 4 Sawtell Holiday Park is a spacious caravan park located at 5 Lyons Road, Sawtell, with clubs, cafes and shops all within easy walking distance and only 8kms south of Coffs Harbour.
The park’s accommodation ranges from villas and cabins to van sites and shaded camping areas adjacent to Bonville Creek, with nature on your doorstep and with a short walk to the beach.
Click on website for a photo gallery and an overview of the venue:
• The nearest fuel is at Vignes Independent Service Station at 28 Sawtell Road (on the corner of Barber Close) on the way to Coffs Harbour.
• To the South, the nearest fuel is at the Liberty Service Station, 6kms away on Pine Creek Way.
• All rides will pass a service station within 6 kms of the Big 4 Sawtell Caravan Park.
Extra bike(s) - You can bring as many as you like, but each one must be recorded on your entry form to qualify for our rally insurance. If the second (or 3rd) bike will be ridden by a rider other than yourself, a fully paid entry in the name of the rider(s) must be submitted.
Extra rally badges - These will only be available if there are badges left over after all entrants have received one. If you want one, enquire at check - in to register your request. They will be $8 each if available.
There will be two types of raffle held during the rally and club week. The “big raffle” will be for a 2020 Royal Enfield Himalayan with only 15K on the clock. The fully equipped motorcycle has been cleaned, serviced and only needs registration to be out on the road. The tickets for the motorcycle are $10 each and will be available on the rally entry or at various locations during the rally. The second prize, kindly donated by North Coast V-Twins, is a "Harley for the Day"
The motorcycle raffle will be drawn at the Saturday night rally dinner. Last year the raflle raised $5000 which was donated to the Westpac Helicopter Service.
There will also be a more traditional rally raffle with tickets sold for $1/each and the raffle will be drawn from a tombola at the Saturday night rally dinner and the lucky winners will be able to select their prize from the donated sponsors’ table.
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, rally entrants will join Coffs Harbour members on their regular “Ride Calendar” events with some additional destinations and activities. Then on Friday, Saturday and Sunday there have been rides expressly designed from the Rally and will be fully marshalled and have back-up trailers.
Tuesday, 20th May, Morning tea will be held at North Beach with entrants leaving Sawtell Caravan Park at 8.30am to Ride to Mylestrom to join the Coffs Harbour members for their regular Tuesday morning tea. After morning tea, at approximately 11.00am, there will be a guided ride to Macksville vis Giinigay Way for entrants and club members then onto Scotts Head for lunch at the Scotts Head Bowling Club.
Wednesday, 21st May, A “Riders’ ride” designed for those who don’t mind putting in a BIG day (@400kms) in the saddle. The “Waterfall Tour” takes entrants to the New England Tablelands via the waterfalls along Waterfall Way. Club members and rally entrants will leave Sawtell Caravan Park at 8.00am. After passing two waterfalls on the climb to Dorrigo, it will be onto Fuss Pots at Ebor (at 105kms) for morning tea at @10.00am. Then the ride heads West, firstly to Ebor Falls then onto Wollomombi Falls, 2 nd highest in NSW (at the 150kms). Then back onto the road and West to Armidale for lunch at the St Kilda Hotel in Marsh Street (at the 200km mark). After lunch, the ride will head out along Rockvale Road (about 4 kms of good quality gravel road) towards the Guyra Road at Aberfoyle, before heading back through Ebor (at 284kms mark) and then down from the Tablelands and back to Sawtell. (total of 390kms)
Or if the weather is foul...Then the ride will head North to Guyra (at 230km mark) and then return to Ebor (at 310km mark) via the Guyra Road before returning to Sawtell (total of 420kms) This avoids the 4kms of gravel road.
Thursday, 22nd May, Thursday is Rally “Sports Day” and another big day with 250kms of riding fun. Entrants will leave Sawtell Caravan Park at 9.30am for a guided ride via East Bank Road to the Idle Inn for coffee(40km) after which entrants will ride to Brushgrove pub for lunch (70km from Idle Inn arriving @midday) via Orara Way, then Big River Way. Then across the Lawrence Ferry and back to the Grafton Clay Target Shooting Club (40kms) arriving at @1.30pm. Participants will be required to complete a P650 Form at the venue and will have the opportunity to demonstrate their prowess with ten shots at the clay pigeons. Tea and scones will be provided and after about an hour and a half, return to Sawtell via Orara Way (100kms).
Link to P650 Form (For your information, complete on the day at the venue) (https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/805290/P650_Declaration_Application_Form.pdf)
At @6.00pm, there will be a social night at the Sawtell Bowling Club adjacent to the Caravan Park to discuss the shooting prowess demonstrated during the day and if desired, dinner can be purchased.
Friday, 23rd May, Rally participants and club members will gather at the Sawtell Caravan Park camp kitchen at 10.00am for a light morning tea and a briefing for the Poker Run. Entry cards for the Poker Run can be purchased on the entry form or on the morning before the run. The first playing card will be handed out at 11.00am at the morning briefing and will be marked with the participant’s entry number. At 11.30am, the marshalled ride will leave Sawtell for Urunga Coach Station, where there will be a short stop, and a second card marked with the entry number. From Urunga, the ride will go to Bowraville via Wirrimbi Road and Rodeo Road where the marshals will provide the third card at the Nambucca River Reserve. Then head onto Macksville via Wilson Road and out via Warrell Creek and down the Highway to Stuarts Point Road and onto Stuarts Point, where there will be a sausage sizzle and a fourth card. The ride will then head back to Sawtell Caravan Park via Scotts Head Road and Giinagay Way.
At 6.00pm, the traditional free “Welcome” Barbeque will commence and the final card will be handed out and the winning hand declared.
The winner of the Poker Draw will be decided according to the posted criteria and will receive their prize.
Saturday, 24th May, Breakfast will commence at 7.00am in the camp kitchen.
Long Ride (260kms): At 8.15am, there will be a briefing and at 8.30am the ride will leave Sawtell Caravan Park and follow the “Old Pacific Highway” to Raleigh before turning off to Bellingen and on up the Mountain to Dorrigo for a light morning tea at the Dorrigo Showground, (60kms) then via Waterfall Way to Dutton Trout Hatchery 6775 9139 for a tour of the Rainbow and Brown Trout breeding facility.(60kms). There is 3kms of good gravel road. The hatchery staff will provide us with a tour and maybe some hands on training! The Long Ride will then go back down Waterfall Way and onto the Armidale Road to Dundurrabin Community for lunch (50kms) and the judging of bikes Then return with the Short Ride to Sawtell (95kms)
Short Ride (180kms): At 10.00am, this ride will leave Sawtell and follow the “Old Pacific Highway” to Raleigh before turning off to Bellingen and on up the Mountain to Dorrigo for a light morning tea in the Luncheon Hall at Dorrigo Showground(60kms). After morning tea, the Short Ride will leave Dorrigo and go via Tyringham Road and Armidale Road to Dundurrabin Community Hall (30kms) for lunch and bike judging. Both rides will return to Sawtell via Tyringham Road, Waterfall Way and Pine Creek Way (95kms)
The presentation dinner, raffles and entertainment will be at the Sawtell RSL within walking distance of the Sawtell Caravan Park. Doors open at 6.00pm and be sure to bring your meal tickets, and if you have any special dietary requirements please advise when you return your entry form.
Sunday, 25th May, Breakfast will commence at 7.00am and go for about an hour. After breakfast the ride will leave at 9.00am and go North to Bruxner Park and then via Bucca Road and the Orara Valley Way to Glenreagh where the Glenreagh Rural Fire Service will provide a complimentary “Sunday Sausage”.